Hannibal For King Legs Workout Routine

Do you want to try out leg workout routines that the Legend does ? Then this is the perfect place where you can find a lot of Hannibal for King Workout Routines and stay fit without any equipment at all.

This leg workout routine will definitely rip your muscles so you can get all “them muscles” like we all say.

Workout Routine Exercises

  • Squats – Yes, basic squats done with correct form are a great way to start the routine cycle, but keep in mind that before you attempt to do this workout routine you should do a proper warm up.
  • Calf Raises – Do other variations of calf raises too, don’t continue doing a single form of calf raises.This will make you focus on the other parts of the muscle too.
  • Pistol Squats – This is optional since not everyone can do it.If you can’t do Pistol Squats then you should try to do them while you help yourself with your hand on a bar or a wall.
  • Low Squat Holds – This will be the single static element of the workout routine that will keep the tension and the burning sensation after you do all the other exercises.

Routine Details

This workout routine should be done with the Hannibal for King method.If you don’t know how you should do it then you can check out how it works here.Basically you start the workout with a higher number of repetitions for each of the exercises listed above and then you slowly lower them.For example: You start the routine by doing 30 Squats, after the first cycle you will do 29 and so on until you get to 20.I’m saying 20 because 10 cycles of repetitions is enough for all of us, of course, depending on how many repetitions you did.

  • Squats – Start with 30 and get down to 20 repetitions.
  • Calf Raises – Do a static amount of these ( don’t lower the repetitions ), lets say you can do 40 repetitions.If its too easy, add weights.
  • Pistol Squats – Depending on your level you can do half of your maximum and then start lowering the repetitions.
  • Low Squat Holds – Do the maximum hold you can on the Low Squat and then, like the other exercises, lower the number of seconds you stay in that position.

Thank you guys for reading my Hannibal for King inspired workout routine, I really hope it will be useful for you.Heres a great Hannibal for King video from youtube down below!

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